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Which Granite Countertop Edge Should I Choose? September 15, 2022

When choosing granite kitchen countertops or other natural stone countertops, there are various style elements to consider, including color, pattern and what type of countertop edges you want. When you meet with our designers, we will take measurements of your kitchen to ensure a perfect, customized countertop fit. After you finalize your kitchen layout, you will choose from various granite countertop colors to match your style.

After the color has been selected, you will need to choose finishing touches, such as the edges of your countertops. We’ve put together a guide on the most common granite countertop edges to help you choose the best ones for your kitchen to remodel.

Basic Kitchen Countertop Edges

When it comes to countertop profiles, there are four common ones we see the most in kitchens, including:

  • Bevel edge
  • 1/2 bevel edge
  • 1/4 bevel edge
  • Straight edge

These edges are most commonly included in your granite countertop fabrication without an additional cost, even with custom granite countertops. The most common edge is the straight edge profile, which includes a hard chiseled edge, also called a pencil edge.

Adding a specific edge to your granite countertops can provide a stunning, visually interesting finish. While straight edges are basic, we also see beveled edges rising in popularity in traditional kitchens. It is interesting to look at without overpowering other kitchen elements.

The 1/4 and the 1/2 bevel edges are great variations of the beveled edge and primarily highlight the thickness of the granite slab. This shows the depth of the stone while adding flair to the countertop.

Beveled edges are sleek without too much dramatic flair. If you are looking for a subtle finish, look no further than a beveled edge. Eased edges ad a slight curve that helps ad movement while avoiding sharp edges. With the right slab of granite, an eased edge can highlight the beauty of the slab and works well in a classic or contemporary kitchen.

For a greater curve, consider the half bullnose edge to show off the thickness and sturdiness of your granite slab. For a slight curve, you should consider the 1/4 round top and bottom. This will provide a slight curve on the top and bottom sides, creating a slightly round and pitched edge. This is a popular option with many homeowners.

Premium Granite Countertop Edges

Regarding premium granite edge styles, the ogee edge is one of the most popular edges, offering a bold and decorative profile. Using this edge profile, you can complement traditional kitchen finishes while adding a special touch to rustic decor. This is also a great edge for contemporary spaces.

Full, round edges or the bullnose edge completely rounds off the edge of the natural stone and offers a beautiful way to complement rustic, traditional, and farmhouse-style kitchens. You may also opt for a deep ogee edge with a deep swooping edge for an elegant appearance.

Another elegant edge is the inverted bevel edge. This offers a steep pitch that goes upwards rather than down, providing a unique style to your granite countertops.

Looking for more information on buying a granite countertop? Check out our granite buyers guide!

Granite Countertop Installation Services in Pittsburgh

At Lexmar USA, we offer a variety of granite edges for your kitchen countertops to match your style. Contact Lexmar USA today to learn more about granite countertops and the possible countertop edge types to increase the style in your kitchen!

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